Dr Katie Wood


GP with a specialist interest in Women’s Health and Menopause 

Katie qualified from Birmingham Medical School in 2011 and went on to train as a GP in Bristol. Over the last decade of working in general practice, Katie has developed a particular interest in Women’s Health and in 2013, she gained the Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. She is a member of the British Menopause Society, Menopause Lead at her GP practice, and working towards becoming an Advanced Practitioner in Menopause Care. 

Katie is passionate about providing evidence-based, personalised and holistic care to support women through the menopause and perimenopause. She finds it so rewarding to see women command for themselves a greater quality of life and control over their health. 

Katie is married with two children. Having grown up on the Cornish coast she relishes any opportunity to visit her native Cornwall, and enjoys walking usually with her dog, outdoor swimming and kayaking. 

Julie Swann

I’m Julie, a fitness coach/personal trainer/women’s health coach.

Strength has been a lifelong passion for me and now I am passionate about sharing my knowledge and love of training with women who may not have always found it so easy to go to the gym or stay active.

Three years ago life led me to qualifying as a personal trainer and establishing my own women’s only private gym in Clevedon, near Bristol.

My coaching philosophy focuses on helping you find an approach that works for you. Through education and support I aim to provide my clients with the knowledge and tools to succeed whether their goal is to be stronger, lose body fat, improve body confidence etc. I take a compassionate holistic approach where we look at your whole lifestyle and what is appropriate for you. Ultimately I want to equip you with the ability to take care of yourself for life, particularly into the (peri) menopause.

I am mum to 6 year old twin girls Charlotte and Ivy, and to Ysella aged 9 and wife to Dom. We recently welcomed a new addition, Rudhi the red fox labrador, who is definitely my new favourite. I am a big reader and an even bigger wine drinker. I love the theatre, podcasts and a long brunch with girlfriends is my favourite thing to do. Exercise is a big part of my life but it would probably surprise you how little I manage to fit in being a PT – the juggle is real! And that understanding and empathy about real life as a busy woman is what sets me apart as a coach. I look forward to working with you 😊